Immerse yourself in new narratives from East and Southeast Asia with a compelling collection of short films. Presented by the Hong Kong Film Festival UK and ESEA film collective Archipelago, this event—part of ESEA Heritage Month—features two thought-provoking programmes that explore diverse identities and vibrant stories from the region. Join us for a unique cinematic experience and discover what it truly means to live in or come from an ESEA background.

Still of Crazy Lotus

I Heard the City Breathe

Bo Wang, Naween Noppakun, Badlands Film Group

"I Heard the City Breathe" invites you to experience the urban landscapes of Hong Kong, Thailand, and Shanghai like never before. Through surreal narratives—from ghosts hidden in 1960s wigs to glasses revealing imagined futures, and a filmmaker couple's video diary capturing the surreal lockdown in a confined Shanghai apartment—these films challenge your perception of these cities, showing them in a completely new light.

Still of An Invocation to the Earth

Yau Ching, Yeo Siew Hua, Kyun-Chome, Aephie Chen

The Island Remembers

"The Island Remembers" presents stories that highlight the vulnerable histories and cultures of islands - Okinawa, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. These films explore themes of migration, colonisation, political changes, and climate impact, revealing the complexities of life on these islands through captivating visuals and narratives.